Creative Play Week 3 – Rapid Prototyping

TZ on the left, me in the middle and Archie on the right
Last Thursday we were put into teams of 4 including a member from digital media to design and create 2 structures. The task was designed with a quick turn-around in mind and involved making a tower to hold an egg (the taller the better) and subsequently making something to stop an egg from breaking after dropping it 3 stories (we made a parachute).
I started the class feeling a little lost as to how these exercises relate to Animation and my personal development. At the same time however I was excited for the unique and creative challenge ahead. I felt confident and comfortable enough with my team to be able to effectively collaborate on these tasks as we all communicated well and included each other in every step of the process. The one team member from creative media however I think was left out slightly as we didn’t know him well enough to be able to fully include him, and later in the day he receded to his own group of people he knew. In retrospect I wish we had made more of an effort to make him feel welcomed and valued in the team.
The initial challenge with the tower went poorly. We drafted and created a very time-intensive and ineffective tower of 40 or so centimetre at most (the second to shortest one there). We planned poorly based on quick research and it showed once the tower fell during testing. For our second task though we quickly re-grouped and reflected on our past mistake, spending more time researching, designing and building. Our time-management was one of the areas of mistake we identified and managed it much more effectively for this task. This experience has taught me that I struggle with time-management and I’ve identified that I like to dive straight into the task, rather than dedicating time into research and planning. I plan on focusing more on these aspects of myself in the future to avoid making unnecessary and stupid mistakes.
TZ with our parachute
Our Plan

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